Hordak Alpha's Slime Pit
Superman Fan Fiction
Superman Fan Fics
Mineternia Fan Fics
The Highwayman Fan Fiction
MOTU Fan Fiction
Alpha's Favorite Ladies of Music and Motion Pictures
Fan Art
MotU Links
Slime Pit Secret Stash
Crossover Fan Fics
Graphic Created By Hordak Alpha

Graphic Created by Hordak Alpha

 Here is where you can read my fan fic stories based upon the Man of Steel.    Just click on a story title to view a story.     Most fics are in RTF (.rtf) format so you will need a document program to open it.  (examples: Word Pad, Works, Word Perfect, Word)
   Some of my Superman stories just happen to have a few words and phrases actually written out in Kryptonian font.          If you'd like to be able to read these certain words in Kryptonian click here and download the Superman Comics Kryptonian font for Windows or Mac depending on what OS you are running. 

   Part Two

  Disclaimer:  Superman, the S logo, and all other related characters and trademarks are the corporate property of DC Comics.         The fan fiction on this site does not make any profit and is only written and provided for free to fellow fans to read and enjoy.
     On another note the characters of Alpha, Ultimus and Carlisle are the sole property of the author and master of this website, Hordak Alpha, which just happens to be me.          These three characters are never to be used in any other work of fiction except those that are written by me.      No one has permission to use these three characters and never will get permission.         Alpha,Ultimus and Carlisle are an exclusive copyright trademark of Hordak Alpha  C. 2006