Hordak Alpha's Slime Pit

Crossover Fan Fics

Superman Fan Fics
Mineternia Fan Fics
The Highwayman Fan Fiction
MOTU Fan Fiction
Alpha's Favorite Ladies of Music and Motion Pictures
Fan Art
MotU Links
Slime Pit Secret Stash
Crossover Fan Fics



    This is the place where you can read all of my crossover stories.     For all of those not familiar with crossovers it is where someone writes a story and takes characters from one franchise and mixs them with another.    Take for example in a crossover story George Jetson could meet Archie Bunker.   Just left click on the title of each story to read.    Stories are best viewed with Microsoft Wordpad, Wordperfect, or Works.


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     All the characters in these fan fics are the property of their respective owners and such.   These stories are not making a profit and are featured here for other people to enjoy.