Hordak Alpha's Slime Pit

MOTU Fan Fiction

Superman Fan Fics
Mineternia Fan Fics
The Highwayman Fan Fiction
MOTU Fan Fiction
Alpha's Favorite Ladies of Music and Motion Pictures
Fan Art
MotU Links
Slime Pit Secret Stash
Crossover Fan Fics

    This is the place where you can read my fan fics based on the classic and newer versions of MotU.  Most of these stories are of a mature nature so mature readers only.    Just click on the story title to read.   Microsoft Wordpad, Works or Wordperfect are best to use to open these files.

                     She-Ra:Wrath of the Snake Men
                                  Hell Age
Part 2: The Search        
                                 Classic/Modern MotU

     Discuss these stories and more in the forums.   For a full listing of all of the forum rules go here.

   He-Man and the MotU and other related characters are owned by Mattel Inc. and their distributors.